Clavisimbalum, 10 orders lute and theorb in the Ancient Music cycle at the Ermida de Guadalupe

Clavisimbalum, viola de gamba, lute 10 orders, theorba or harpsichord are just some of the instruments to be used during the five […]

clavisimbalumClavisimbalum, viola de gamba, 10 orders lute, theorba or harpsichord are just some of the instruments to be used during the five concerts of the III ancient music cycle “Sons Antigos a Sul”, which begins on Friday, August 1st, in Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in Raposeira (Vila do Bispo).

This is a project for the promotion and dissemination of Early Music in the Barlavento Algarvio, organized by the Academy of Music of Lagos, under the artistic direction of Elsa Mathei.

The concerts, which cost 5 euros to enter, will take place every Friday in August, at 17 pm, as part of the Cultural Promotion and Promotion of Monuments (DiVaM) program, promoted by the Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve.

The cycle begins on August 1st, with the group «Vox Antiqua», composed by Joana Godinho (soprano), João Moreira (tenor) and Helena Correia (Lute 10 orders and theorb).

image005On the 8th, it will be the turn of the group «Armilar», composed of Sari Straatsma (traverso), Jiyun Kang (viola de gamba) and Elsa Mathei (harpsichord).

On August 15, the sounds of «Voce Humana» will echo in the Ermida de Guadalupe, bringing Daniela Tomaz (flutes), Catarina Costa e Silva (soprano and dance), Maria Bayley (alto and clavisimbalum), Isaac Alonso de Molina ( tenor) and Tiago da Sé (bass).

This is followed, on the 22nd, by the group «Aliseos», formed by Nuno Mendes (violin), Joan Cervera (violin) and Marion Peynol (cello).

The cycle dedicated to Ancient Music ends on the 29th, with «Ars Iberica», a group consisting of Olavo Barros (traverso), Alexandre Andrade (traverso) and Sofia Pinto (harpsichord).


