UAlg's lecture cycle receives Clara Pinto Correia

The Cycle of Lectures “Masters and Disciples in the Arts, Sciences and Humanities” receives Clara Pinto Correia, on the next day […]

The Cycle of Lectures “Masters and Disciples in the Arts, Sciences and Humanities” receives Clara Pinto Correia, on June 28, at 11:00 am, at the Salão Nobre dos Paços do Concelho, in Loulé, who will talk about “HETERODOXY. The next enlightenment could last for good”.

Clara Pinto Correia is a university professor, biologist, writer and historian of science. He has a vast work published in various fields of knowledge, nationally and internationally.

This cycle is an initiative of the University of Algarve, the Center for Research in Arts and Communication (CIAC) and the Municipality of Loulé.


