Adriano Pimpão and António Covas talk about the State Budget in Faro

University professors Adriano Pimpão and António Covas will participate in a debate on the 2014 State Budget, which […]

University professors Adriano Pimpão and António Covas will participate in a debate on the State Budget for 2014, which Civis – Association for the Deepening of Citizenship and the bookstore «Leya no Pátio» will promote on Thursday, November 21, at 21 pm, at the Pátio de Letras, in Faro.

The conference/debate «The 2014 Budget and the State Reform» will count with the participation of the former dean of the University of Algarve Adriano Pimpão and with the economist and professor of this university António Covas, but anyone can contribute to the discussion of this topic.

