Young people trained by Existir are doing internships in companies in the Algarve

The Existir association currently has eleven trainees doing professional internships or training on the job […]

The Existir association currently has eleven trainees doing professional internships or training on the job in companies and entities in the region.

The Algarve Association for the Intervention and Rehabilitation of Disabled and Disadvantaged People collaborated throughout 2012 with 24 regional entities, which opened their doors to those who attend the different Existir Professional Training courses.

The areas are the most diverse, covering the diversity of courses taught at Existir. The institution trains young people in the areas of Administration and Accounting, Multimedia and Interactive Technologies, Support to Hospitality, Automotive Mechanics, Gardening, Child Care and Warehouse.

«As an indicator of the degree of satisfaction of companies with the work carried out by the Institution's interns, there are some cases in which the trainees, after the internship, were even invited to continue working in the company», revealed the association.

For Existir, the «professional internship is, for almost all the young people who take part in the professional training courses, the first step and the first great opportunity to enter the labor market».

An opportunity that he insisted on guaranteeing for young people that he graduated. "The growing awareness of companies in the region for the aspect of their social responsibility has been a factor that has contributed, over time, to facilitate the professional insertion of these interns," he added.

«Companies interested in integrating young interns may, at any time, contact the existing Association. It will certainly be a productive and successful experience for the qualification of trainees and for the company that provides them with this first step on the path to integration in the labor market», called the association Existir.

