The main objective of the Alcoutim Budget in 2013 is to fight unemployment and support families

The main objective of the Budget of the Alcoutim City Council for 2013, approved at the meeting of the Municipal Assembly on 14 February […]

The main objective of the Budget of the Alcoutim City Council for 2013, approved at the meeting of the Municipal Assembly on December 14, is to «combat unemployment» and support «families with social and economic needs», which are increasing.

The Budget totals close to 12 million euros (11.903.703 euros), being 5.922.203 euros of current expenditure and revenue, which represents 49,8% of the budget, and 5.981.500 euros of capital revenue and expenditure, representing 50,2% of the total budget.

However, the municipality emphasizes in the Multiannual Investment Plan, the preparation of the 2013 budget was based on "a rigorous exercise of investment priorities and profitability of resources", which will allow it to "remain as a national reference in terms of budget consolidation and financial stability and comply with the financial constraints of the Central Administration, aggravated in 2013 by the change in the distribution of the amounts of transfers from the State, the increase in current revenues and the decrease in capital revenues and the decrease in available community funds».

For 2013, the Municipality of Alcoutim thus proposes sustainable development, where it bets on improving the quality of life and well-being of citizens.

The budget includes the continuation of investments in the areas of basic sanitation and water supply, renovation of the road and urban network, education, culture and sports, social action and health, industry and energy, land use planning, tourism and environmental protection.

In the area of ​​road transport and the road network, an investment of around 2,5 million euros is planned, including the paving and signaling of municipal road 507 (Cortes Pereiras – Alcoutim), the 2nd phase of the Avenida de Acceso à Escola of Martim Longo and the repair of the bridge at Mestras/Barroso.

In terms of water supply and basic sanitation, among other works, there is the construction of pipelines to Azinhal, Diogo Dias, Tremelgo and Pessegueiro.

In the field of health and social action, the work on the Lar de Balurcos will be completed and the autarchy will move forward with the construction of the Lar de Martim Longo, an asset in supporting the elderly and a generator of new jobs.

Social support and economic assistance to families will be reinforced through the expansion of a set of measures that started in 2012 – attribution of scholarships to students, payment of meals to all students in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles, pre-school and day care center, 5% exemption from the IRS, application of minimum IMI fees and guarantee of free access to health services, such as dermatology, dentistry, physiotherapy, among others.

The programs to combat smoking, alcoholism and other addictions, as well as the services provided by the Mobile Health Unit, “Alcoutim still + Solidário” (free home help service) and “Vamos à Vila” (free social transport network ) will also remain as priorities, in favor of improving the quality of life of alcoutenejos.

In 2013 the expansion of the Pego Fundo River Beach is also planned, as well as the remodeling of the chamber hall, which will be transformed into an auditorium, the construction of the Dr. João Dias Museum Center (doctor and benefactor of Alcoutim), the construction of a housing subdivision in Alcoutim and another in Martim Longo and the conclusion of the work on the Paços do Concelho building.

