Give this to Merkel

We have this thing about getting scapegoats. We are specialists in the exercise of disclaimer. And we also have a weak capacity for […]

We have this thing about getting scapegoats. We are specialists in the exercise of disclaimer. And we also have a poor ability to understand what is going on around us and what is being said to us.

In the last week – here on the website or on social media – most of the comments to my last column show that: guys, you, in general, have not read what I wrote. And if they did, they didn't notice. Which is even worse.

It was suggested that I wanted to decide on what people should eat, they nicknamed me “rich” (and it's a pity I'm not) and even called me “last of the government's defenders”, in addition to the rubbish that doesn't I'm going to reproduce it (sir who offered me a smack, I was waiting for you at Bia's cafe!).

One of our biggest collective problems is the citizens' inability to think for themselves and, in doing so, to have the necessary openness to accept different points of view, without this necessarily being an affront of any kind.

I'm like Jonet (and the stoning starts again): I reaffirm everything I wrote – and soon we will return to the subject. We consume too much, yes. And we think too little, apparently. If we think that when talking about steaks and X-rays we are only talking – and especially – about beef and imaging, our problem is not lack of money, it is lack of understanding.

Offense has become the most common of weapons. And whoever offends doesn't realize that reason is never on the side of those who only say “tramp”. And yes, I wrote “trampa” in a newspaper column.

It's Merkel now. The short girl went to Portugal for the seventh time and between the media exaggeration and the rhetoric exaggerations, what is left of the visit is nothing.
Merkel is not to blame for our problems. We are to blame. We, who elect successive incompetent governments, led and composed by careerist politicians, with no experience in life, or by technocrats out of touch with reality, theorists of banana thought.

From left to right, parties are a void. There is not a single statesman in active Portuguese politics who is worth trusting (and how we needed a few).

It's our fault because we're much better at wanting newspaper chroniclers to go hungry than at discussing which society and which state we want. And after all, that's what it's all about.

If Germany wants to take care of this, be so kind. If we are not able to govern ourselves, then someone will do it in our name. If that means that, in a few decades, we will be able to live as the Germans live, then let this be dealt with at once.

I prefer a sovereign Portugal, but if “sovereignty” is this, someone who colonizes us.

Merkel is the latest target of the national mockery. But we are the ones who look like a caricature.


Author Nuno Andrade Ferreirajournalist

