PS/Tavira criticizes the local PSD's stance towards the project to extinguish parishes

PS/Tavira today welcomed the rejection by the Municipal Assembly of Tavira of the Government's proposal to extinguish […]

PS/Tavira today welcomed the rejection by the Municipal Assembly of Tavira of the Government's proposal to extinguish or merge parishes, but criticized the position of the local PSD throughout the process.

A rejection of the AM de Tavira was approved by a majority, with the votes of the Socialist Party representatives and all the Parish Council presidents with a seat on that organ.

PS/Tavira regrets "that some PSD elected representatives have chosen to vote against or irresponsibly abstain from voting on that resolution proposal, thus assuming the role of accomplices in the government's intention to extinguish three parishes in the municipality of Tavira".

The Tavirense socialists recall that, on the initiative of their group in the AM de Tavira, "that local authority has been debating since March the proposal for a Green Book on Local Administration, presented by the Government and which intends to promote the extinction and merger of parishes."

Following a proposal by the President of the Municipal Assembly, «a working group was even created to monitor this process and find the best solutions for the municipality of Tavira, composed of the four political parties represented on the municipal decision-making body and the presidents of the councils of parish".

After the publication of Law no. 22/2012, of 30 May, «the working group met twice in order to analyze the legal requirements arising from its application and to prepare a joint position for consideration and voting in the Assembly Municipal".

The PS guarantees that, "since the beginning of this process" and despite its "opposition to the way it was conducted by the Government", its mayors "have maintained a constructive, participative and responsible attitude".

«We can no longer say the same about the PSD/Tavira representative in the work group, which was conspicuous by its absence in a decisive phase of the work, despite the commitment of the government of its party in implementing this “reform”. Was it a summer infatuation that passed with the first downpour?”, question the socialists.

«Does the PSD intend to impose, locally and regionally, a “reform” carried out in three strokes without knowing its position at the local level? Could it be that the PSD/Tavira abandoned its elected representatives in the parish councils to their fate?”, asks the PS.

«After the PSD/CDS Government's strong attacks on local authorities, carried out by the blind application of the Law of Commitments, which has been paralyzing municipal councils of all political colors, and the inability of the coalition parties to understand each other in the reform of the municipal electoral legislation, the unjustified absence of the PSD/Tavira representative reveals a total and shameful contempt for the Democratic Local Authority, in general, and for the municipalities of the municipality of Tavira, in particular, which we cannot fail to censor and make public».

Despite this attitude of alleged alienation of the PSD in Tavira, «resolutely, last Friday, the plenary of the Municipal Assembly of Tavira rejected the Government's proposal, approved by a majority vote opposing the legal union, or changing the territorial limits of any parishes in the municipality of Tavira, which would inevitably translate into its actual extinction».

But the PS considers that the «irresponsibility» of the Social Democrats «has reached its maximum peak, when the Municipal Assembly was forced to pronounce on the loss of mandate of the PSD representative in the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth of Tavira, after more than a year of unjustified absences and absences from meetings and meetings, for which he had been elected by the Assembly and its representation».

“We dispense with any additional comments, stressing only that the performance of functions in representation of the Municipalities of Tavira cannot be taken lightly nor does it conform to irresponsible attitudes and postures”, concludes the PS/Tavira.

