Alves Redol's life and work will be on display in Faro

An exhibition on the work and life of Portuguese writer Alves Redol will be on display at the headquarters of the Commission of […]

An exhibition on the work and life of Portuguese writer Alves Redol will be on display at the headquarters of the Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDRA) from Friday to 14 August. The exhibition «Alves Redol – Centenário do Nascimento» shows the different stages of the author's life, both literary and personall.

Photographs, letters, notes, drawings, posters, journalistic articles and excerpts from books are some of the materials that can be seen in the exhibition. A collection that belongs to the Museum of Neorealism, in Vila Franca de Xira, birthplace of Alves Redol, who organizes the exhibition in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Culture and Pátio de Letras.

«Essentially recognized as a writer of Portuguese neo-realism, Alves Redol, born on December 29, 1911, made his literary debut with the novel “Gaibéus”, from 1939, a work centered on the people of Alto Ribatejo and Beira Baixa, which recounts lives “ rented” in the performance of strenuous rural work, aggravated by the long journeys traveled to obtain meager dividends”, revealed in a statement to CCDRA.

“A staunch defender of the rights of the working classes, Alves Redol collaborates in several publications that are ideologically opposed to the Estado Novo, such as “O Diabo” and “Sol Nascente”, with national coverage, but also in various headlines in the local press», he added.

