Câmara de Lagos launches innovative model for the concession of the Cultural Center cafeteria

The proposal for a new concession model for the operation of the Lagos Cultural Center cafeteria was approved at […]

The proposal for a new concession model for operating the Lagos Cultural Center cafeteria was approved at the most recent Chamber meeting. The new model aims, according to the autarchy, “to enhance the activity and cultural enjoyment in that equipment and, at the same time, provide new forms of support for the creation and artistic production of local cultural associations”.

The City Council of Lagos states that it has decided to launch "a project with a cultural component associated with the free concession of the Centro Cultural cafeteria".

The idea is that an association with a cultural scope in the county can guarantee its opening during the period of operation of this facility, and present in return the development of a cultural program.

The project must include a proposal for the presentation of cultural events taking place, at least once a month, in the cafeteria itself or in the courtyard of CCL.

It is an initiative that seeks to «enhance the cafeteria, fitting it into the cultural dynamics of the Cultural Centre, in addition to the programming that exists there».

This operating concession represents a form of support for activities of municipal interest, including cultural ones, whereby the fourteen cultural associations that have their headquarters in the municipality's area will be accepted by invitation.

The award criteria will include the diversity of the activity developed (type of projects presented), creativity and innovation, establishment of partnerships or co-productions, diversification of spaces and relevance of the Association's artistic and cultural path.

