Urban Rehabilitation Area of ​​the City of Lagos enters into public discussion

The proposal to create the ARU – Urban Rehabilitation Area of ​​the city of Lagos will be under public discussion […]

The proposal to create the ARU – Urban Rehabilitation Area in the city of Lagos will be under public discussion until the next 31st of July. Until then, two public sessions are planned at the Centro Cultural de Lagos.

With the constitution and delimitation of this ARU, the Câmara de Lagos states that it intends to «establish a global strategy of action in the Historic Center (CH), which promotes sustainable urban development based on the real estate and heritage aspects of rehabilitation, in conjunction with other measures of scope. economic, social, cultural and environmental'.

The ARU de Lagos is an urban rehabilitation operation whose execution period will be ten years, extendable for an additional period of five years, if necessary.

This ARU proposal is already available for consultation on the email address www.cm-lagos.com, as well as at the Strategic Studies Office of the City Council of Lagos, between 9:00 am and 17:00 pm, at the headquarters of Futurlagos, the Municipal Business Entity for Development, and at the Parish Councils of Santa Maria and São Sebastião.

Until the end of July, all interested parties may submit, in writing, any complaints, observations or suggestions they deem convenient, by mail or via email [email protected].

Regarding this matter, two public presentation sessions and debate the proposal, on June 28th and July 26th, at 21:30 pm, at Centro Cultural de Lagos.


Futurlagos is the managing entity of the ARU

The municipality approved, at the Chamber Meeting held on March 07, the proposal to create an Urban Rehabilitation Area and designated FUuturlagos as the managing entity of the urban rehabilitation operation.

The Municipality of Lagos maintains the powers related to licensing and supervision, as well as those related to the collection of fees and receipt of concessions or compensation arising from interventions in the ARU.

According to the proposal, and in a more detailed way, the main strategic objectives to be developed at ARU are recalled here:

1) Consolidate CH as the seat par excellence of the Discoveries – seeking to reinforce this historical evidence and take advantage of it, particularly with regard to entertainment.

2) Boost infrastructure and investments made in CH and its surroundings.

3) Boost CH in the Economic and cultural aspects – diversifying the offer of commercial activities and services, contributing to the qualification of tourism and catering, and structuring a cultural and leisure entertainment program, actively participated by local agents.

4) Combat Desertification and Seasonality, by attracting Residents and Tourists (in low season) to the Historic Center – the revitalization of the Historic Center depends fundamentally on this ability to ensure greater balance in the use of the urban fabric, as well as the appearance of other functions associated with housing, such as local commerce, safety on public roads and the demand for quality in the urban environment itself.

5) Strengthen the Centrality of the Historic Center – which allows for greater daytime profitability of the various facilities, services and commerce, attracting the remaining residents of the Municipality to the CH, with gains in terms of means, costs and travel times, resulting from the concentration of functions.

6) Improving and Rationalizing the Management of Cultural Facilities – seeking to ensure access to properties with heritage value of public interest, valuing them, as well as ensuring an integrated and interconnected global management of those existing in the CH with the other facilities.

7) Ensuring the Principle of Integration, Sustainability, and Innovation - establishing a systematic articulation of the ARU with the city's strategic objectives, integrating interventions in a financially sustainable and balanced model through innovative and realistic solutions from an economic, social, cultural and environmental point of view .

