driest February since 1931

The climate balance for the month of February allows us to characterize it as exceptionally cold and dry on the mainland, reveals the Institute […]

The climate balance for the month of February allows us to characterize it as exceptionally cold and dry on the mainland, reveals the Meteorology Institute

With an average precipitation value of 2.2mm, the month of February registered a precipitation value about 50 times lower than the normal value (100,1 mm), which allows us to classify it as extremely dry, placing it even as the driest February since continued observation records began in 1931.

This situation was due to the influence of anticyclonic ridges on the mainland territory, which acted as a blockade of the influence and crossing of the frontal surfaces that usually affect the mainland territory in the winter months.

As a result of the near absence of precipitation this month, the meteorological drought situation intensified throughout the national territory, and at the end of the month the entire continental territory was in a severe (68%) and extreme (32%) drought situation. ), the two levels of greatest severity of this climatic phenomenon.

The air temperature also registered extraordinarily low values, namely at the minimum temperature, with an average anomaly of around -5°C compared to the normal value, which places this February as the second with the lowest minimum air temperature since 1931. Highlights - there is also the occurrence of several days with a minimum temperature below 0°C in many locations and the recording of new absolute minimum values.

The low temperatures persisted in this month of February for long periods, having been registered prolonged situations of cold waves in several stations of the Institute's network, having in some cases reached more than 18 consecutive days.

The mean values ​​of the mean and maximum air temperature were also lower than the respective normal values, at -0,26°C and -2,49°C respectively, with the mean air temperature value of 7,6°C being the 5th lowest since 1931 .

