Investment in heritage is essential to enhance the Algarve's tourist offer throughout the year

18 years, many headaches and 2,1 million euros later, the Islamic Nucleus of the Municipal Museum of Tavira […]

18 years, a lot of headaches and 2,1 million euros later, the Islamic Nucleus of the Municipal Museum of Tavira has already opened to the public this Friday.

A opening of the new museum space in Tavira, which took place on Thursday, the 23rd, even had the power to bring together two mayors of the city – the current one (Jorge Botelho) and the previous one (Macário Correia) – from different political forces.

Jorge Botelho recalled that, when he reached the presidency of the municipality, "there was a need to launch a project to finish" the Islamic Center, in works that cost 750 euros plus another 150, for the musealization of the space. In total, the Câmara de Tavira has invested, since the beginning of the process, 2,1 million euros.

The mayor insisted on highlighting the work of archaeologists Manuel and Maria Maia, responsible for the archaeological excavations in the building of the former Pensão Arcada and Banco BNU, where, in the mid-90s, important Islamic remains dating from the XNUMXth and centuries were to be discovered. XII. The most famous of these finds is the «Tavira Vase», today the most important piece of the new Islamic Nucleus of the Municipal Museum, created precisely in the place where the entire estate was discovered.

“Maria Maia always showed great availability for the Vaso to come to Tavira, because she believed that the pieces should stay where they were found”, recalled Jorge Botelho, evoking the role of the archaeologist, who died in July of last year.

Manuel Maia, her husband, hosted the inaugural visit of this Islamic Nucleus. And he recalled that, "wherever she is", Maria Maia will now be seeing the result of more than a decade and a half of work, all the more because, in addition to being responsible for the archaeological excavations at that site, the program of The musealization of the Nucleus is also the responsibility of the Maia couple.

Dália Paulo, regional director of Culture of the Algarve, and herself an archaeologist and museologist, stressed, in turn, that «it is important that the pieces have returned to their origins and that they are now part of contemporaneity». The fact is that, he underlined, the work of archaeologists and those investigating heritage is really that, «working the past but in its contemporaneity».

Dália Paulo, who ended her speech asking for a round of applause for Maria Maia, also said that “this space is only useful from today. It is from here that you start to gain affection, that you begin to gain the community».

Macário Correia, on the other hand, who participated in the inauguration in the dual role of former mayor of Tavira and president of AMAL, stressed the importance of «bringing the past of the historical parts of the Algarve to the knowledge of current people, both residents and of tourists'.

The mayor added that the Islamic Nucleus of the Municipal Museum of Tavira is a good example of the «use of European funds to enhance the Algarve, something that will not be so easy in the coming years».

This type of investment, added Macário Correia, "brings more people to the city, enhances the heritage that is our most permanent treasure, especially in times of crisis."

"It is necessary that there be tourist versatility to enhance the offer throughout the year," added the president of the Algarve's mayors.

António Pina, president of the Algarve Regional Tourism Authority, stressed, in turn, that «this space is the icing on the cake for tourism in Tavira and the great cake in the Algarve». And he promised that ERTA, in its new brochure on the Algarve's heritage, will «have to add this new space».

It is because, stressed António Pina, «the tourist today is more demanding and seeks the identity of the land he visits». «We are known for the sun and the beach, for the gastronomy and for the golf, but we are not yet as well known as a cultural and heritage destination». And spaces such as the Islamic Center of the Municipal Museum of Tavira make an excellent contribution to changing this view that tourists have of the Algarve.

The investment of heritage has been a constant bet of the Câmara de Tavira, especially in the last decade and a half. It is an investment that, as the mayor of the municipality Jorge Botelho said at the inauguration, «opens a door of opportunity both in the cultural and in the tourist area».

And the mayor promised that the Chamber will not stop here: «we have projects for a Phoenician Nucleus, we have projects for Christian sacred art. So there is money!»

That heritage and identity are important attractions for tourism could, on Thursday, be seen in the streets of the historic center of Tavira. Hundreds of tourists, mainly foreigners, walked the streets, visited the monuments, entered the shops, cafes and restaurants, enjoying not only the beauty of the city, but the almost summer day of this February in the Algarve.

Now they have one more reason to visit Tavira. The Islamic Center is located on the first floor of the building of the new tourist office, facing Praça da República and the City Hall, although the entrance is via the back street, next to Igreja da Misericórdia.


Open Hours:

WINTER – Tuesday to Saturday (from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 14:00 pm to 17:30 pm)
SUMMER (from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm and from 15:00 pm to 18:30 pm)


