Order of Psychologists has received 207 reports of title usurpation since 2021

The OPP “warns of the danger of anyone who pretends to be a psychologist without actually being one”,

The Order of Portuguese Psychologists (OPP) has received 207 complaints of title usurpation since 2021 and, during the first three months of this year, 25 complaints were filed, it was announced today.

The OPP “warns of the danger of those who pretend to be a psychologist without actually being one”, as part of World Health Day, which is celebrated today.

“It is essential to know whether you are consulting a professional who works based on scientific evidence, such as psychologists. This distinction is important in the most varied areas in which psychology intervenes”, defended the president of the OPP, Francisco Miranda Rodrigues, cited in a statement.

To help confirm whether or not there is usurpation of functions, the OPP provides a directory of psychologists on its website (https://www.ordemdospsicologos.pt/pt/members).

“The practice of psychology and the provision of psychological services by unqualified professionals pose a threat to public health and the well-being of citizens. In Portugal, the practice of Psychology requires registration with the OPP”, he recalled.

If anyone looking for a psychologist cannot find the name or suspects something, the OPP requests that any queries should be communicated to the email address [email protected], asking for clarification from the person concerned in the complaint.

“If these clarifications are not sufficient and there is sufficient evidence, a complaint is presented to the Public Prosecutor's Office and sent to the entity that monitors the legality of establishments providing health care”, he emphasizes.


