Ephemera Archive and works by Ricardo Rebola will be on display at LAC in Lagos

Opening is April 24th

The exhibition “Vem Para a Rua Gritar”, held in partnership with the Ephemera Archive, and the exhibition “Portefólio #02”, by Ricardo Rebola, will be inaugurated on April 24th, at 18:00 pm, at LAC – Laboratório de Atividades Criativas , in Lagos. Both exhibitions will be on display until May 31st.

In the first case, the exhibition is a celebration of freedom and democracy, capturing crucial moments since the iconic April 25, 1974. This exhibition presents videos, posters and graffiti carefully selected by the Ephemera Archive, authentic testimonies of the period without freedom, as well as of the Revolution and democratic consolidation", according to the LAC.

«The materials that the Ephemera Archive collects, preserves and disseminates, particularly throughout the 20th century and up to the present day, literally today, are testimonies of the time without freedom but also of the Revolution and, later, of the consolidation of democracy and of its full exercise», according to José Pacheco Pereira, the creator and owner of this library/archive.

In the “Come to Shout Street” exhibition, visitors “will be transported to a journey spanning decades of political expression, reflecting the imagination, convictions and will of each individual who fought for freedom.”


Ricardo Rebola


The “Portfolio #02” exhibition, in turn, is held in partnership with APCC – Cerebral Palsy Association of Coimbra, the city where the artist Ricardo Rebola was born, 49 years ago.

It was through the representation of his city – from the University Tower to the banks of the Mondego – that this artist «first expressed his passion for drawing and the world of art, creating a set of technical exercises for improvement».

«With experience in artistic education (in the area of ​​ceramics) and, at APCC – Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra, through activities in different fields, he found his true vocation in plastic expression ateliers. In recent years, he has been developing a vast body of work, included in several projects promoted by the association, focused on the human figure, still lifes and landscapes", according to LAC.

It is especially in landscapes «that Ricardo-artist is most easily discovered: influenced by the Impressionists, he exalts color through pointillist movements and short brushstrokes, chromatic explosions made of pure emotion. Ricardo Rebola paints with the naturalness with which others write, so his gestures when creating are the mirror of his sensations».

«More recently, he deepened his eccentric capacity in the use of pastel, taking exaggeration as a distinctive feature and changing the exact appearance of reality, often surprising with this plasticity. He maintains a capacity for self-criticism that allows him to be more involved with his work – “I don’t even know how I can do this, I’m an artist!”, he says at times – confirming that this is not just a skill, a mechanical reflex or a mere imitation, but rather its identity", concludes the Lacobrigense cultural association.



