List leaders across the Algarve debate the drought and its effects on agriculture

In the Auditorium of the Pastoral Center of Pêra (municipality of Silves)

The Commission for Hydroagricultural Sustainability of the Algarve (CSHA), which brings together Algarve entities and farmers, organizes this Friday, February 9th, at 16:30 pm, a debate with candidates leading the list for the Algarve in the legislative elections, to discuss the crisis in the agricultural sector that devastates the region due to lack of water.

The conference «Water and Algarve» will take place between 16:30 pm and 19:00 pm, in the Auditorium of the Centro Pastoral de Pêra (municipality of Silves).

Participating are Jamila Madeira, candidate of the PS and former Deputy Secretary of State and Health, Miguel Pinto Luz, candidate of the Democratic Alliance (AD) and former vice-president of the Municipal Council of Cascais, Pedro Pinto, candidate of CHEGA, current deputy of Assembly of the Republic, Pedro Bettencourt, candidate of the Liberal Initiative and manager of Airport Operations and Emergency at the Airport of Faro, José Gusmão, candidate of the Left Bloc and deputy of the Left Group in the European Parliament, and also Catarina Marques, candidate of the Unitary Democratic Coalition (CDU) and union leader.

According to the organization, «the remaining parties with parliamentary seats have not yet confirmed, to date, their participation in the event».

The debate begins with a ten-minute intervention for each candidate. It then opens up «to the recent water cut measures in the region, which compromise the survival of agriculture, to the detriment of other economic activities, and possible alternative solutions to the region's serious water problem».

A Commission for Hydroagricultural Sustainability of the Algarve (CSHA) was created by producers, farmers and irrigation associations in the Algarve who came together after the announcement of cuts in water supply in the region.

The new Commission brings together the interests of all agricultural activities in the Algarve, from fruit, wine, aromatic, animal production, among others that persist and identify the Algarve economy and landscape, bringing together more than a thousand entities and farmers.

CSHA states that it «disagrees with the measures presented by the Government regarding the use of water in the region, which make agriculture the poor relative of the region's economy».


Members of the Commission for Hydroagricultural Sustainability of the Algarve
– Carob and Almond GROUP, CRL
– AlgarOrange – Algarve Citrus Operators Association
– ASPAFLOBAL – Association of Forestry Producers of the Barlavento Algarvio
– Association of Beneficiaries of the Sotavento Algarvio Irrigation Plan
– Algarve Cattle Breeders Association
– Algarve Wine Commission
– Global Avocados
– Madre Fruta – Organization of Fruit and Vegetable Producers in the Algarve
– Trops Portugal
– VIPLANT – Viveiros do Algarve



