Ricardo (the one with the gloves) gives a lecture at the University of Algarve

Ricardo Pereira gained international renown for his penalties saved (and one scored) against England in the 2004 Euro and 2006 World Cup.

Former goalkeeper Ricardo Pereira will be the guest speaker at the 2nd edition of the “MI-Talks” initiative on February 7th, at 14:30 pm, at the Penha Campus of the University of Algarve (UAlg), in Faro. 

The session will be moderated by Rosana Durão and André Férin, professors at UAlg.

The former Portuguese national team goalkeeper, who lives in the Algarve, will share his life journey marked by personal and professional successes.

Ricardo Pereira gained international renown for his saved penalties (and one scored) against England in the 2004 Euro and 2006 World Cup.

Currently, he is part of the technical team of the Portuguese Football Federation, playing the role of national goalkeeper coach.

MI-Talks are informal talks on topics related to culture, diversity, social justice, inclusion, confronting stereotypes and promoting cultural exchange.

This is an initiative of the SoUAlg project – System for Observation and Promotion of Academic Success and Reduction of School Dropout, financed by the General Directorate of Higher Education (DGES).



