Autumn in Vila do Bispo is the theme of new promotional video

The film “The Metamorphosis” was presented yesterday, as part of the Municipal Day celebrations program

Vila do Bispo has just released a new promotional video «in which the municipality reveals itself to be an invariably beautiful destination also in autumn, when the trees lose their leaves and the streets and beaches become emptier».

The film “A Metamorfose” was presented yesterday, the 14th, in the auditorium of the Vila do Bispo Cultural Center, as part of the Municipality Day celebrations program.

«In a choreographed interpretation of this season of the year, dance is used and a concept that compares the characteristics of the natural landscape to the figure of a woman, who dispenses with her beautifying accessories and assumes her figure as she is», he explains the chamber.

«The main dancer plays the woman and the season, representing the character of Vila do Bispo; the secondary dancers represent the bird migration that occurs in the territory; the autumnal landscape and the land itself can be seen as subjective characters. A work that combines aesthetics with the main inspirational source, which is Nature, Vila do Bispo's greatest asset», adds the municipality.

After celebrating Spring in the film “The Great Conspiracy”, «the cohesion between the videos is reinforced by carefully showing the changes that occur in the four elements of nature in each season of the year».

The narrative, which represents environments familiar to the local public, is mainly aimed at people and families, Portuguese and foreign, who are looking for a holiday destination or a new place to live.

In this way, the Vila do Bispo Chamber claims to reinforce «its strategy to promote nature tourism, which safeguards natural values, expands environmental awareness and values ​​knowledge of local history and culture».


