Albufeira trains lifeguards

The course consists of 31 sessions

The Albufeira Association of Lifeguards (ANSA) will promote a training course from the 13th of February. 

Admission tests are the day before, and registrations, with a limit of 30 places, run until February 7th.

The course consists of 31 sessions for a total of 150 hours, from Monday to Saturday, plus admission tests, after work hours (minimum daily load of 5 hours).

The final exam will be carried out during working hours, on a date yet to be determined by the Shipwrecked Relief Institute (ISN).

To participate in the course you must be at least 18 years old (if you reach the age of majority during the course, you must send an email requesting authorization to attend it, in these cases the ISN will approve whether you can attend the training), qualification literary qualifications corresponding to compulsory education (according to age), provide proof of professional activities carried out and other relevant elements for the assessment of their ability to attend the course and have physical robustness and a mental profile for the lifeguard activity, proven by a medical certificate .

The registration cost is 215 euros.

If lifeguards register, they must also attach a copy of their card.

As for the admission tests, they are swimming 100 meters freestyle, in a maximum time of 1 minute and 50 seconds, underwater swimming (apnea) in a minimum time of 20 seconds, swimming 25 meters in the supine position (back), only with leg kicks and catching two weights at a minimum depth of 2 meters.

Entries can be made here


