Co-management Plan for the Sapal de Castro Marim and VRSA Natural Reserve has already been approved

Co-management Plan was developed in conjunction with several entities with direct and indirect intervention in the Reserve, public and private

The Co-management Commission for the Sapal de Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António Natural Reserve (RNSCMVRSA) approved by consensus, on 30 November, the Co-management Plan for this protected area. This was the first plan of this type to be approved for this territory.

The RNSCMVRSA Co-management Plan was developed in conjunction with several entities with direct and indirect intervention in the Reserve, public and private, through a participatory and collaborative management process and for a time horizon of three years (2023-2025).

It is based on the characterization and prospective diagnosis of this protected area and provides for a set of measures and actions considered priorities to enhance and promote the territory.

The aim is to raise awareness among populations and improve communication with all interlocutors and users of the Reserve, in work based on three axes: 1-Sustainable development and valorization of the territory; 2 – Communication and Promotion of the Reserve’s Identity; 3 – Awareness raising, training and involvement of key actors.

The approval of the Plan was preceded by a Public Consultation, which took place between the 26th of September and the 24th of October, and a prior, positive opinion, given by the Strategic Council, last November.

The RNSCMVRSA Co-management Plan can be consulted on the AMAL website by clicking here.

Created on March 27, 1975, through Decree-Law no. 162/75, RNSCMVRSA is located next to the mouth of the Guadiana river and is one of the most important wetlands in the country, formed by salt marshes, bodies of water brackish, salt marshes and marshes and is home to a high number of fauna and flora species. It has an area of ​​2.307,99 ha.

In May 2021, the request for adoption of the co-management model for the RNSCMVRSA was formalized, by the presidents of the Municipal Chambers of Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António, together with the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests.

These municipalities then delegated powers to participate in the co-management of the Reserve to AMAL – Comunidade Intermunicipal do Algarve.



