Castro Marim combats loneliness with “Share of Knowledge”

Project aimed at the elderly Santa Casa da Misericórdia Home and Day Center

In Castro Marim, the fight against loneliness is carried out with “Partilha de Saberes”, a project that «was born a year ago and since then has made a difference in the lives of the elderly at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia Home and Day Center» in the municipality .

This project by the Municipality of Castro Marim «was born with the aim of combating loneliness through affection», according to the Chamber.

«Isolation and socio-cultural exclusion end up being inherent to the institutionalization of the elderly and feelings of loneliness and forgetfulness arise. Driven by educator Fátima Valentim, this project essentially aims to develop activities that value the personal “heritage” of seniors, promoting cultural moments that favor their “know-how” and also moments of dialogue to share their life stories», explains the autarchy.

“Partilha de Saberes” is oriented towards users’ areas of interest “and, in addition to the celebration of emblematic dates, it provides Physical Motor Expression classes and the Celebration of monthly Masses, responding to the desire of institutionalized elderly people, who found themselves deprived of the manifestation and experience of their faith”.



