Government negotiates minimum wage of 820 euros for 2024

The value for the minimum wage is not yet finalized

The Minister of the Presidency said today that the Government and social partners are negotiating an increase in the national minimum wage to 820 euros in 2024, ensuring that the salary base for public service will never be lower.

Mariana Vieira da Silva spoke in statements to journalists at the Ministry of the Presidency, after meetings with three public administration union structures about annual salary negotiations and the State Budget for 2024 (OE2024).

The Government's proposal foresees an increase in the civil service salary base by 6,84%, to around 821 euros.

Asked whether, for the national minimum wage, the Government proposes an increase to 820 euros, the minister replied that “it is in this direction that the negotiations [in the Social Concertation] are going” adding that, with the planned update, “the remuneration base of the public administration remains above this value” by around 1 euro.

However, the value for the minimum wage has not yet been finalized, he said.

“Negotiations in the context of Social Concertation continue” and any change in the minimum wage will have an influence on the basic remuneration of public administration, highlighted Vieira da Silva.

The income agreement signed a year ago at the Social Concertation provides for the national minimum wage to be set at 810 euros in 2024.


