Tales and the art of words meet at the Lagos Library

In November

Tales and the art of words will meet at the Júlio Dantas Municipal Library, in Lagos, which will celebrate its anniversary with another edition of Palavras Mágicas, from the 1st to the 11th of November.

The event will feature «narration nights, storytelling sessions and shows for children and a training action, extending the cultural offer to schools and homes in the municipality», according to Lagos City Council.

“Nem a Poesia Morre, Nem a Gente Janta” is the show that will launch Palavras Mágicas, on November 1st, at 21:30 pm. This activity is promoted by the RIR collective (Rui Spranger, Isaque Ferreira and Renato Filipe Cardoso), who will present a new stand-up poetry show, «travelling, on a ghostly journey, through poems and texts by authors who neither die nor leave the world. ».

Actor Marcantonio Del Carlo will be the protagonist of the traditional tales show “Once Upon a Time…Or Two and Three” (November 3, 21:30 pm) and a “Training Action on Expression/Communication Techniques, Warming Up and Cooling Down of the Voice” (November 4, 10:00 am).

The program also features short stories by Sole Felloza and Miguel Gouveia, who will present “Preciosa Palavra” on the 4th, at 21:30 pm, and by Matia Losego and Antonella Gilardi, who will present “Contos entre Vales e Montes” on the 10th of November, at same hour.

To close these days of storytelling, Gil Dionísio will entertain the public with the show “Contos e Lenga Lendas”, «at a crossroads between music and the intimacy of the art of telling stories».

The school public will be another focus of the activities. In the case of those that take place in the Library, the sessions are open to the general public up to the capacity limit of the room, «highlighting “7 Vidas”, by Som do Algodão (day 2), “Flores de Livro”, with Cláudia Sousa (day 3), “Kamishibai Ambulante: Momoko, A Story-Journey to the East”, by Susana Quaresma and Tânia Cardoso (day 6), “Trapos com Histórias Musicais”, with Saphir Cristal and Celso Miguel (day 8), “Estórias Brincásticas”, with Pedro O Brincador de Estórias (the 9th) and “O Caçador”, by João Costa (the 10th)».

Out of doors, the Library will also go to schools in the municipality with the initiatives “Book Flowers”, “Sand Stories: The Cat and the Crow”, with Pilar Puyana and Fernando Guerreiro, “Trupe de Histórias: Figos”, with Isabel Legoinha and Mara Maravilha, “Estórias Brincásticas” and “Trapos com Histórias Musicals”. For users of the homes of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lagos, sessions of “Contos e Lenga Lendas” with Gil Dionísio are reserved.

All activities are free of charge.



