Senior Theater Cycle animates Silves until the end of October

Initiative involves the Lifelong Education Centers of Silves

A Senior Theater cycle, an initiative of the Lifelong Education Centers of the Chamber of Silves, until the end of the month, always at 21:30 pm.

Today, the Senior Theater Group of the Tunis Lifelong Education Hub takes to the stage to present the show “The Customer is always right”.

On the 27th, the play to be presented is “O Nosso Tempo” and the protagonists are members of the Senior Theater Group of the Lifelong Education Center of Armação de Pêra.

On the 28th, the Senior Theater Group of the Silves Lifelong Education Center will perform “A Culpa é da Lua”.

This initiative, with free entry, «aims to enable a form of creative occupation for users, being a means of combating isolation, depression and promoting physical and mental interaction for users of these Centers, making the socialization process of seniors more dynamic in the community", according to the municipality.


