Sardine Gastronomic Confraternity of Portimão enthrones new members

Confraternity was created about a year ago

The first non-founding members of the Confraria Gastronómica da Sardinha de Portimão will be enthroned during Chapter II of the confraternity, which will take place on the 16th of September, at 17 pm, at Casa do Descabeço, at the Portimão Museum.

On that day, there will also be a dinner «where sardines will be queen, limited to 50 people, at the Taberna de Portimão restaurant, where this gastronomic adventure began», according to the brotherhood.

The Confraria da Sardinha, whose founding members were enthroned at a ceremony held about a year ago, has as its object and ambition «contribute to the survey, defense, promotion and dissemination of the cultural, environmental, historical and gastronomic heritage of Sardines, which may also cover the Algarve region», «support research, publicize, promote, organize all the type of actions in defense of the environment in general and sardines in particular», as well as «collaborating with public and private, local, regional, national and international organizations of tourism, environment and culture».


