Deadline for enrolling students in the 5th year will be extended

The enrollment of students who finished the 4th year began on Thursday, July 6th

The Ministry of Education has decided to extend the registration deadline for students who move on to the 5th year, due to a computer problem that is preventing parents from enrolling.

The enrollment of students who finished the 4th year began on Thursday, July 6th, and had a deadline of July 10th, Monday, but several guardians reported to Lusa that the enrollment portal is blocking in the middle, not allowing to complete the process.

Questioned by Lusa, the Ministry of Education office explained that "there is a computer problem that is being solved" and that "the registration deadline will be extended".

Regarding the new dates, the ministry explained that they are dependent on the "guarantee of resolution of the problem by the IT company" and that at that time "the new deadlines will be indicated for compensation for the time in which the Portal was inoperative".

Several families told Lusa today that they were unable to enroll children who move on to the 5th grade, information that was confirmed by the National Confederation of Parent Associations (Confap).

According to the president of Confap Mariana Carvalho, some families are “waiting to see if, during today, they can finally register”.

Enrollments are required for students who change education cycles or who intend to change schools and, at the moment, only enrollments are taking place for students going to the 5th year.


