Marcelo promulgates decree-law that he hopes will allow «fair payment» to forest sappers

PR also promulgated today a decree of the Assembly of the Republic that authorizes the Government to amend the Statute of the Administrative and Fiscal Courts

The President of the Republic promulgated this Wednesday, July 12, a decree-law that changes the legal regime applicable to forest sappers and defines the public support they can benefit from, hoping that it will allow «fair and timely payment» for the work performed .

In a note published on the official website of the Presidency of the Republic on the Internet, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa announced that he had enacted this Government diploma «hoping that the enshrined solutions will allow the fair and timely payment of all public service work actually performed, including that of a nature additional".

Approved by the Council of Ministers on 1 June, this decree-law «amends the legal regime applicable to forestry sappers, teams and brigades of forestry sappers in mainland Portugal, with the aim of allowing the creation of new teams where it is technically appropriate to improve its territorial coverage'.

«In addition, the maximum amount of annual support for the operation of teams of forestry sappers is changed and the role of training and professional experience of forestry sappers who are part of the teams benefiting from support is reinforced. This diploma also conforms to the current legislative and regulatory framework applicable to the management of rural fires», reads the communiqué of this meeting of the Council of Ministers.

At the time, the Minister for the Environment and Climate Action said that support for teams of forest sappers would be reinforced, taking into account inflation, increasing from 45 thousand euros per team to 55 thousand euros per year.

The President of the Republic also promulgated today a decree of the Assembly of the Republic that authorizes the Government to amend the Statute of the Administrative and Fiscal Courts, the Tax Procedure and Process Code, the General Regime of Tax Offenses and Decree-Law no. 42/2001, of February 9th.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa disclosed this enactment through another note, «underlining the importance of the changes to be introduced in the administrative and tax jurisdictions».

This legislative authorization decree, based on a government bill, was approved in a final global vote on 7 June, with votes in favor of PS, PCP and Bloco de Esquerda and abstentions from PSD, Chega, Iniciativa Liberal, PAN and Free. After fixing the final wording, it was sent for promulgation on 5 July.


