Popular Mutuality Building classified as a Monument of Municipal Interest

The classification follows a request made by Associação Mutualista – Mutualidade Popular

The “Mutualidade Popular” building, located in Largo Terreiro do Bispo, downtown Faro, was classified as a Monument of Municipal Interest. The decision was taken at the last session of the Municipal Assembly on 5 July.

The classification follows a request made by Associação Mutualista – Mutualidade Popular.

Since the municipality has the competence to assign this classification, it has taken the mandatory steps, namely, a consultation with the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, which issued a favorable opinion, and the holding of a public consultation, which did not result in any complaints or impediments.

This building, the headquarters of Mutualidade Popular, was the first of many properties built by this association, aimed at suppressing the housing shortages of its members.

Described in the Architectural Heritage Inventory System as a contemporary multi-family residential building, for housing on three floors, it presents a composition characteristic of Portuguese architecture of the first quarter of the 20th century, eclectic, combining, in the main elevations, decorative elements of the Gallery, with element scores Art Déco (platbands, handrails wrought in iron).



