«Safe Diving» campaign aims to reduce the number of spinal injuries

Are you (really) diving? Find out about precautionary measures

Another “Safe Diving” campaign has just been launched, with the aim of alerting young people to the dangers of poorly calculated dives, in swimming pools, beaches or other bathing areas, coastal or rivers, and which constitute one of the biggest causes of injuries in the spine with severe situations of paraplegia and quadriplegia.

“Before diving, first assess the space, notice where there is more depth as well as if there are surrounding rocks and/or water currents. Avoid unknown, unsupervised and unsafe dive sites. Find out, talk to locals and lifeguard teams. Make sure there is water under water, so as not to hit the bottom. Dive safely”, advises João Gamelas, president of the Portuguese Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SPOT).

The 2023 “Safe Diving” campaign was entirely produced, carried out and edited by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa Communications and Brands team and will be broadcast in various media.

Launched in 2013, ten years later the alert remains, because “prevention is better than cure”.

If you witness an accident or suspect a case of possible spinal injury, immediately contact the medical emergency number (112). Do not move the victim, as any movement can cause major and permanent damage.


