Parliament approves creation and funding of the Co-Management Committee for Octopus Fishing in the Algarve

Although the proposal does not have the force of law, the organizations call on the Government to enforce it with the utmost urgency.

Parliament approved, this Friday, March 31, by a majority, the draft resolution of the Socialist Party that recommends the Government to create and finance the Algarve Octopus Fishing Co-Management Committee. 

The proposal had votes in favor of all parties, one vote against the PAN and one abstention from Chega.

The proposal came after the appeal of Non-Governmental Environment Organisations, scientists, fishermen's associations and producers' organisations, who congratulate the Assembly of the Republic for this vote.

Although the proposal does not have the force of law, the organizations call on the Government to enforce it as urgently as possible.

On the table is the future of several years of work, studies and projects developed since 2014 to study and implement fisheries co-management in Portugal.

In the case of octopus fishing in the Algarve, the proposal under discussion aims to support the creation of the respective co-management committee, which will be the second for a fishery in Portugal, confirming the political will already announced by the tutelage. However, the fulfillment of co-management purposes requires funding that is not protected by legislation and that compromises the work of the entities involved and the future of sustainable fisheries management in Portugal.

Co-management in fisheries was defined by Decree-Law No. 73/2020, of September 23, as a “shared management regime for living resources and the means necessary for their capture and economic use, which aims at the sustainable management of resources and the realization of the principle of maximum mutual collaboration”.

On the same day, the Assembly of the Republic also approved a project that asks that the Co-management Committee for the Harvesting of Barnacles in the Berlengas Natural Reserve, already created, be provided with financial resources.


