New Boa Esperança magazine show premieres on April Fools' Day

The show will be staged on Fridays and Saturdays (21:30) and on Sundays (15:00 and 17:00)

It seems like a lie, but the 1st of April is the date chosen by Boa Esperança for the premiere of “We are Magazine”, the new show by the popular Portimão community, which honors an artistic tradition that goes back six decades.

With original texts and lyrics by Carlos Pacheco, this magazine full of humorous criticism of current affairs has its premiere scheduled for 21:30 pm on April 1st and will be on stage in the concert hall of Boa Esperança Atlético Clube Portimonense, next to the Igreja Matriz de Portimão , for the next three months, with performances on Fridays and Saturdays, starting at 21 pm, and on Sundays, at 30 pm and 15 pm.

Amid countless rabbles and musical moments, the audience will be able to laugh at the shenanigans of a well-known couple who complain against the magazine, still and always in fashion because one of its essences is to denounce, amidst laughter and laughter, fraudsters specializing in endorinate the people, who see themselves in this amusing genre of popular art full of sparkles and glitter.

Headquartered in the city center, Boa Esperança intends with this production to boost the artistic and cultural sector and entertain Portimonenses and visitors, prevented in recent years from attending its revue show.

In addition to Carlos Pacheco, the cast includes Telma Brazona, Flávio Vicente, Soraia Correia, Isa de Brito, Lurdes Carriçal, Filipa Goulart, Catarina Duarte, Mariana Jobling, Maria Martins, Jenifer Novais and Rita Ferreira.

Tickets can be reserved between 15 pm and 00 pm by calling 21, telephone contact is also available for further information and clarification of doubts.



