Parliament rejects the anticipation of the reform of nurses and risk subsidy in the SNS

The legislative initiatives accompanied a petition addressed to parliament for access to pensions for nurses who are at least 55 years of age.

Photo: Ana Sousa (file)

Bills from the Bloco de Esquerda and Chega to allocate a risk subsidy to health professionals and to bring forward the retirement age of nurses were failed today in parliament.

The Bloco de Esquerda defended, in plenary, that the risk subsidy attributed during the peak of the covid-19 pandemic reached “very few” workers and that, in the face of a permanent risk, a subsidy should be established permanently for all employees. professionals from the National Health Service (SNS).

“If your profession has an added risk and burden, why not recognize and reward that”, questioned deputy Pedro Filipe Soares, when presenting the BE project for the creation of a statute of risk and burden for health professionals health, remembering that they work more than 20 million hours of overtime per year.

Chega presented a bill for the recognition of the nursing profession as one of rapid wear and tear and intended to bring forward the retirement age of nurses to 55 years of age.

“It is of the most basic justice”, claimed deputy Jorge Galveias, when defending the party's diploma project, giving other professions as an example. The parliamentarian considered that health units are “almost transformed into field hospitals”, due to disinvestment in the sector.

The legislative initiatives accompanied a petition addressed to parliament for access to pensions for nurses aged 55 and over.

The PAN expressed support for the nurses' claims and proposed the creation of a working group on this matter so that, as the deputy Inês Sousa Real said, "the mantra of not leaving anyone behind" are not empty words.

The Liberal Initiative defended a reform of the Public Administration, rejecting proposals aimed at nurses. "The reform of these careers has to be carried out urgently, but it is not a matter of legislating on a stand-alone basis", said deputy Rodrigo Saraiva, who agreed with the constitution of the working group proposed by the PAN in a draft resolution.

The PCP also presented a draft resolution for the Assembly of the Republic to recommend to the Government the definition and regulation of a specific labor and retirement regime for nurses.

Communist deputy João Dias argued that nurses are the most representative group in health institutions and that there are “innumerable risk factors” associated with the profession.

Speaking for Livre, Deputy Rui Tavares criticized IL's argument, arguing that saying that it is necessary to solve everyone's problem at the same time, in order not to solve a problem, is a way of postponing the resolution of everyone's problem.

The PSD, for its part, rejected that wanting “some homogeneity” would prevent the resolution of the issue and agreed with the constitution of a working group, announcing that it has already delivered an initiative in this sense (which has not yet been to plenary), by voice from the deputy Joana Barata Lopes: “What is serious is to create this working group”.

The PS rejected all initiatives, with the deputy Eurídice Pereira informing that there is already a working group constituted within the scope of the governmental areas of work and social security for the study of professions of quick wear, risk and painfulness, which will present a report until the end of the year and that, “at the limit”, the anticipation of the retirement age of nurses would significantly reduce the human resources needed in health services.

The Bloco de Esquerda bill was voted favorably by Chega, PCP, BE and Livre. IL and PSD abstained. The PS voted against.

The draft diploma of Chega collected the votes in favor of the party and the PAN and against the PS, the PSD and the IL. The PCP, BE and Livre abstained.

The PAN Resolution Project obtained votes in favor of the PSD, IL, BE, PCP, Livre e Chega and against the PS.

The PCP's draft resolution had favorable votes from the party, Chega, PAN and Livre. PSD abstained and so did IL. The PS voted against.


