AM de Lagos discusses transfer of competences in social action and revision of the budget

There are eight items on the agenda

The extension of the deadline for the transfer of competences in the area of ​​social action and the first revision of the budget will be on the agenda of the February session of the Municipal Assembly (AM) of Lagos, scheduled for the 27th, at 20 pm, in the Auditorium of the Séc. XXI. 

According to the public notice of this session, which can be consulted by clicking here, after the period of intervention by citizens and the period before the agenda, there will be an appreciation of the written information presented by the mayor.

The period on the agenda will follow, with eight points.

In addition to the extension of the deadline for the transfer of competences in the area of ​​social action and the revision of the budget, a proposal for a Declaration of Public Utility for the development of the Local Housing Strategy and the construction project of the new Building will also be considered and voted on. for Municipal Services (DSAU) – Expropriation Process.

The proposal for a program contract for Sports Facilities and Sports Activities to be signed between the Municipality of Lagos and the municipal company Lagos-em-Forma – Gestão Desportiva will also be considered and voted on, and there will be the election of a parish councilor representing the Municipal Council of Environment and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Municipality of Lagos.

Added to this is the appreciation and vote on the proposed amendment to Articles 15.º, 18.º, 19.º, 24.º and 47.º, the addition of Articles 16.º-A and 16.º- B and amendment of Appendix I of the Regulations for the Organization and Operation of the Municipal Police Service of the Municipality of Lagos and a debate, scheduled by Chega, with the theme “Red Alert: Lagos without Water”.

This session takes place with the presence of the public.

Any citizen who so wishes may intervene at the beginning of the session, during the period of interventions by the public, to request, in a succinct manner, any clarifications he/she understands, dealing with matters related to the Municipality. The intervention cannot exceed five minutes and requires prior registration, up to a maximum of five.

The works of this session can be followed on the internet, at Youtube channel and on the Lagos Municipal Assembly Facebook page.


