“When to call SNS 24 or INEM?”

The campaign “When to call SNS 24 or INEM?” is signed by DGS, SPMS and INEM

The campaign "When to call SNS 24 or INEM?", which aims to raise awareness of the correct use of the lines "808 24 24 24" and "112", was launched this Sunday, January 15, by the Directorate-General for Health ( DGS), Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS) and the National Institute of Medical Emergencies (INEM).

«The campaign compares non-emerging health problems and situations that may involve risk to life, thus clarifying when to use it for SNS 24 or INEM», explain the organizers.

In case of mild or moderate pain, fever, change in blood pressure, itching, persistent cough, persistent crying of the child, diarrhea or nausea, or other non-emergent situation, the user should contact SNS 24 through the number 808 24 24 24 to receive the appropriate advice.

When it comes to an accident involving injuries, a suspected stroke, chest pain, choking, difficulty breathing, changes in
state of consciousness, severe burns or burns in sensitive areas, heavy or uncontrollable bleeding, the user should call 112 – European Emergency Number.

In 24, the SNS 2022 Line answered more than nine million calls, the highest number ever. The INEM Guidance Centers for Urgent Patients (CODU) also received more than 1.5 million calls that year, the highest number on record. Of these calls answered at the INEM CODUs, more than 103.000 were transferred to the SNS 24, which represents an average of 280 calls per day that were considered non-urgent and an increase of 10% compared to 2021.

The campaign “When to call SNS 24 or INEM?”, signed by DGS, SPMS and INEM, is a multimedia campaign, present on radio, billboards and digital platforms, and will have other educational supports such as flyers and posters, as well as sessions aimed at the public in general.

It will also be the first campaign presented in a new communication support that resorts to the use of INEM Ambulance as advertising vehicles.


