Lagoa is part of the Coordination Committee of the Educating Cities Network

The Coordination Committee also includes the Municipalities of Águeda, Lisbon, Santo Tirso, Torres Vedras, Valongo and Vila Nova de Famalicão

lagoon is part of Coordination Committee of RTPCE – Portuguese Territorial Network of Educating Cities, whose national meeting took place on the 20th of January in Valongo. 

The initiative was attended by 52 Portuguese municipalities, represented at the political and technical level to approve last year's activity report and elect the new National Coordination Commission.

Lagoa joined this global movement in 2018, when it joined the International Association of Educating Cities (AICE), organizing in 2019 the 8th National Congress on the theme of Creating (in) the Educating City.

The Coordination Commission also includes the Municipalities of Águeda, Lisbon, Santo Tirso, Torres Vedras, Valongo and Vila Nova de Famalicão.


