Silves once again helps young people to apply for the Porta 65 rental program

Interested parties should contact the Youth sector of the municipality

The Câmara de Silves will once again help its younger residents to apply for the Porta 65 Jovem rental programme, whose registration period runs from tomorrow, the 13th, until the 30th of December.

Those interested should go to the Youth sector of the municipality, which will provide support in the formalization of applications, by appointment.

"All young people aged between 18 and 34 years old (up to 36 when young couple), with declared income referring to the previous year (2021)" can apply for this programme, according to the Câmara de Silves.

Interested young people must book a support request in advance with the CMS Youth Sector, located at Rua Dr. João de Deus, nº 21-1º (next to the Parish Council of Silves) by calling 282 440 800 (ext.: 2650 or 2651), or by email [email protected].

At the time of application, candidates must be accompanied by the following documents:

– Finance online password (one for each candidate), previously requested at

– IRS for the past year (2021)

– Lease agreement, which must contain the fraction and article of the housing (or Lease Promise Agreement)

– Last income statement

– Identification documents of all household members (including minors), namely Citizen Card or Identity Card, Tax Identification Number and Social Security Number

– IRS of the ascendants (optional), if the income earned by the ascendants does not exceed the value of three national minimum wages, candidates receive a higher score in the application (20 points) and the increased possibility of receiving support

– If the household is composed of a single parent family, it is necessary to present proof of the Regulation of Parental Responsibilities

Candidates must also provide an email account and NIB of a bank account, to be used for payment purposes. When submitting the application to the Programme, all members of the household must have the tax address of the rented house.



