World Mental Health Day celebrated in Loulé by Grupo Ciranda

Organized by Grupo Ciranda

World Mental Health Day, 10 October, was celebrated in Loulé with an event organized by the Grupo Ciranda in the auditorium of the city's Secondary School. 

Grupo Ciranda, made up of psychologists from schools, health services and the City Council, has the philosophy of «developing a work plan based on a dynamic network, aimed at inter-service articulation in the three sectors, within the scope of mental health and psychoeducational intervention in the municipality of Loulé, creating synergies and enhancing knowledge», says the municipality in a note.

In a session that was attended by 70 professionals from different areas, with emphasis on health, the opening of the work was in charge of Sónia Coelho, member of Ciranda, Ana Machado, vice-president of the Municipality, Renata Afonso, director of the School Secondary from Loulé, Paula Simãozinho, representative of ACES Algarve Central, and Carla Fernandes, from the Directorate-General for School Establishments.

After the opening, followed by the presentation of the panel “Child and Youth Mental Health: health and education”, moderated by Carla Fernandes from Grupo Ciranda, in which Maria Esteves, from DGEstE Algarve, Ilza Martins, from the health area, and Alberto Guerreiro, psychologist at
Loulé Municipality.

In a joint reflection, the mental health panorama of children and young people in the municipality of Loulé was considered, taking into account the past, the present and the future.



The work ended with the World Café methodology, in which the participants were able to reflect and give their contribution to the definition of possible procedures to be adopted in a crisis situation, in a school context.

«With this dynamic, it was intended to contribute to the work that the Ciranda team has been developing, within the scope of the creation of an action model with guidelines for intervention, in crisis situations, specifically in the school context», continues to autarchy.

During the meeting, the participants had the opportunity to appreciate some of the works developed by the students of the Secondary School of Loulé on the subject of mental health.

“Alone we can go faster, but together we will go further. It is precisely this goal of our group, to get as far as possible, through a participatory, integrative methodology in favor of more effective responses that meet the needs, with a view to promoting mental health and well-being in a context school and community», considered Grupo Ciranda.



In the area of ​​health, this session was attended by nurses from the school health team, the team responsible for the medical consultation of adolescents, the Child and Youth Mental Health Support Group of Loulé, ELI Loulé – National System for Early Intervention in Childhood, from the Support Center to Children and Young People at Risk in Loulé, the Adult Violence Prevention Team and the Adolescent and Adult Psychology consultation.

On the education side, there were school psychologists, social workers and community intervention workers, members of the Multidisciplinary Team to Support Inclusive Education, teachers coordinating health promotion and education and school directors.

On the part of the municipality, psychologists from the School Psychology Support Program, the Health Promotion Operational Unit and the Social Rights Operational Unit, as well as representatives of the CPCJ of Loulé, also joined.


