Albufeira guarantees free transport for preschool to secondary school students

An investment of 475 thousand euros

Students from Albufeira who are attending schools in the municipality's public network and who live more than three kilometers from the educational establishments in their area of ​​residence continue to benefit from free transport in the academic year that is about to begin.

This is a measure that covers about 1900 students from basic and secondary education, as well as students with mobility problems who are under the inclusive education regime and aims to "promote equality in the conditions of access to education and contribute to the educational success of our children and young people», says José Carlos Rolo.

The mayor also took the opportunity to advise parents and guardians to, every year, when registering their students, do so according to their area of ​​residence so that they do not have to bear travel expenses.

To this end, the Municipality has already approved the School Transport Plan for the 2022/2023 school year, with a total planned investment of 475 thousand euros (270 thousand for public careers – school pass and 205 thousand for special circuits – municipal vehicles or contracted services).

In the current academic year, the school transport service of the Municipality of Albufeira covers around 1900 students and the special circuits are provided by 12 guards and 14 drivers.

Once a year, the municipality promotes a Course for Guards of Public Transport of Children, with the aim of providing its workers with the necessary skills for the proper performance of their duties. The course includes a theoretical component and a practical component, where the following topics are covered: Child Safety in the Road Environment, Child Restraint Systems, Child Pick-ups and Drop-offs and Accident Action.

The last training took place in December 2021 and the training entity was the Association for the Promotion of Child Safety.

It should be noted that, previously, free transport was limited until the end of basic education and to secondary school students benefiting from level 1 of the school social action, as well as to students with special educational needs at both levels of education. For secondary school students, beneficiaries of step 2, the Chamber contributed 75% of the value of the pass and 50% for the remaining students.

