Bienal Cultura e Educação «will show the good that is being done in the different regions» 

Presentation in Faro of the 1st Biennial of Culture and Education was held this Monday, 20th of June

Photo: Marina Carriço | Sul Informação

The Algarve Regional Directorate of Culture (DRCAlgarve) and the National Arts Plan (PNA), in collaboration with ACTA/Teatro Lethes, presented this Monday, June 20th, at Teatro Lethes, in Faro, the first Culture and Education Biennial 2023 – REAR VIEW: A History of the Future.

The Bienal, a national event, will take place from the 1st of March to the 30th of June of the next year, now awaiting the presentation of proposals by artists and associations.

«DRCAlgarve has always been present in the challenges that the PNA has given us and we want to continue to do so. Today it is just a presentation, but this year there will be a more concrete activity of the projects to be promoted. In 2023, this biennial will show the good that is being done in the different regions», stressed Adriana Freire Nogueira, Regional Director of Culture in the Algarve.

With this Bienal, the National Arts Plan aims to «put the issue of arts for children and youth on the agenda», which also includes young people aged between 16 and 25 (an age group «lost» in cultural institutions) , stressed Paulo Pires do Vale, commissioner of the PNA.



As a second objective, that official pointed out the need for more circulation throughout the country of the works already developed and stressed that, contrary to the idea that was previously held, it is now known that «there is culture throughout the territory, but there are also failures in the entire territory – and it is these shortcomings that need to be filled” in institutions spread across the country.

Thus, during this year, meetings will be taking place at national level so that artists and associations can present their projects for the 2023 Bienal.

«One has already been held in Porto, another in Conímbriga, on the 23rd of June it will be in Évora and, in September, here in the Algarve. The hope is that in these presentations the partners can share the ideas they have for this biennial or adapt those already structured, taking into account conversations with other partners», adds Paulo Pires do Vale.

The project also involves a training action for nine schools in the country, so that these schools «better understand what it means to program culturally».

The theme of this Biennale – which revolves around the artistic and creative areas of dance, theatre, music, cinema, circus, literature, heritage and architecture – is “REAR VIEW: A History of the Future”, as it will also aim to “recover projects that are valuable to recover».

in the presentation in Faro At the 1st Bienal Cultura e Educação, the actor Luís Vicente, director of ACTA – A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve, was also present, in addition to several teachers from the Algarve schools.



