Literary work by Lídia Jorge is the subject of a conference in Portimão

The conference is called “Between the silence and the fulguration of the word in Lídia Jorge” and will be given by Conceição Brandão

A conference on the literary work of Lídia Jorge will take place this Saturday, May 14, at 18:00 pm, at the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Municipal Library, in Portimão. 

The conference is called “Between the silence and the fulguration of the word in Lídia Jorge” and will be given by Conceição Brandão, with the presence of the Algarve writer expected.

According to the lecturer, «in contemporary Portuguese literature, Lídia Jorge affirms a trajectory whose luminous ballast bears a unique ability to dialogue simultaneously with the immensity of the cosmos and with the singular space of man, confirming a purpose of an infinite demand in the search for of words capable of translating the world».

«We believe that it is this obsessive search that invites us to trace human suffering, injustice, invisibility, sacrifice and hope (which always opens a redemptive feature in his work), denominators that we understand to be crucial for the interpretation of the worldview of Jorge's work", says Conceição Brandão, for whom Lídia Jorge "will always be a writer who circulates a discourse in battle with the deviations of society, a gesture fraught with risks, but only because her capacity for argumentative fabrication is immense".

In this sense, the conference «will focus on the two novels that constitute the beginning and end of a cycle of hope in the literary universe of Lídia Jorge: “O Dia dos Prodígios” (1980) and “Os Memoráveis” (The Memorables) ( 2014), from which Conceição Brandão will create a space for the analysis of other works by the author, namely, “O Jardim Sem Limites” (1995), “O Vale da Paixão” (1998) and “O Vento Assobiando nas Gruas” (O Vento Assobiando nas Gruas” (2002). XNUMX), underlining the corporeal and silent dimension of the word as a way for Lídia Jorge to focus on the other and the world, as well as the tragic nature of human existence based on sacrifice, understood as the essential catharsis in the daily survival of human disagreements».

The lecturer holds a PhD in Portuguese Literature from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, having focused her dissertation work on the work of Lídia Jorge. She is also a researcher at the Center for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies in Portuguese Literature at the institution where she received her PhD.

Conceição Brandão graduated in Modern Languages ​​and Literature and holds a Master's degree in Languages, Literatures and Cultures from the University of Aveiro and since a few years ago she began to devote special attention to the work of Lídia Jorge, through several editions and participation in colloquia and conferences. , whether in the country or abroad.


