Civil Protection Agents in the Algarve learn to use crawler machines to fight fires

Firefighters reinforce the command capacity of the Operations Management System

Coordinators and technicians from the Municipal Civil Protection Services of the Algarve participated, over the past week, in working days that enabled them to choose and use crawler machines in firefighting and to «prepare their operators to support these means On the ground".

This action, carried out within the scope of the regional operational training program of the Integrated Protection and Relief Operations System (SIOPS), involved fire officers, who saw their "command and control capacity of the functional sectors that bring together this valence within the scope of the Operations Management System (OMS)».

«This was a transversal theme to the different operational training actions over the last semester, especially for those who assume command functions and General Staff tasks in the different stages of a protection and relief operation», according to the Regional Command of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Algarve.


