VRSA Board talks about cyberbullying in parish schools

The objective is to give young people tools to prevent the phenomenon

Teaching young people to identify and prevent cyberbullying is the objective of the sessions that the Vila Real de Santo António Parish Council will promote with students from Escola Básica D. José I and Escola Secundária de VRSA.

“Apaga Cyberbullying” is the motto of this initiative, which will use the dynamics of “Theatre of the Oppressed” to provide young people with “tools for diagnosing and preventing aggressive behavior on the Internet”, according to the board.

For this entity, this is an issue “increasingly worrying and with alarming data, due to young people having little awareness that what is posted/commented on on the Internet has consequences for everyone's daily lives”.

The sessions are a joint initiative of the Social Education intern and the informatics interns of the Parish Council of VRSA.



