Regional Civil Protection Command began testing rural fire response

This was the first action of a total of five

The Algarve Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command started this weekend, 2 and 3 April, testing the Special Rural Fire Fighting Device (DECIR), with a training program in Pincho, Lagos.

This was the first action (out of a total of five) for the heads of the Fire Brigade Teams, Emergency Protection and Relief Unit (UEPS) of the National Republican Guard (GNR) and Sapadores Florestais, who assume, in the initial attack, the role of Commander of Relief Operations (COS).

«The workday agenda of these actions has a theoretical and a practical component», explains the Algarve Regional Command, with topics such as combat techniques, management of means and resources, rescues, commitment of air resources and machines, driving off-road, communications and «a very expressive emphasis on the security issue».

In this context, until next May, 18 actions are scheduled in the different areas (1.oCOS, Manual and Mechanical Tools, Crawler Machines, Command Post and logistic support teams), involving the permanent commitment forces of DECIR and the Municipal Civil Protection Services, culminating in a regional exercise.


