Nearly 4.500 nurses have asked to be excused, more than 1.400 of which since the beginning of the year, due to the "degradation of services" due to lack of professionals, the order of the class announced today.
“In total, to date, the Ordem dos Enfermeiros (OE) has received 4.475 requests for disclaimer, while at the end of December there were 3.013 statements submitted”, said the institution led by the chairman Ana Rita Cavaco.
In a statement, the order stresses that the "degradation of services, mainly due to the lack of nurses" is at stake to respond to the number of patients they have to accompany.
This statement was made available by the OE to all nurses to safeguard against any disciplinary, civil or criminal liability of these professionals, «in view of the high number of patients under their care, since international studies have shown that, for each additional patient charge of a nurse, mortality rises by 7% in hospitals», the statement said.
At the end of 2021, the Government assured that, since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, “there has been a record increase in health professionals”, with the hiring of 1.400 more doctors and 4.800 more nurses for the National Health Service. .
According to the order, when signing the statement of disclaimer, the nurses reiterate that the adequate number of professionals is “fundamental to safeguard the safe professional practice, which is clearly not the case today, a fact that can only be attributed to the mismanagement or lack of government strategy».
The data made available today indicate that, in the last month, requests for disclaimers from professionals at the Hospital de Leiria reached the OE again, which now amount to 2.185, out of a total of 2.802 in the Center region, which also includes the situations of Coimbra, Caldas da Rainha and Guarda.
“In the South region, with a total of 1.224 statements of apology, it is the hospitals in Setúbal, Algarve and Amadora Sintra that face the most serious situations, in addition to Santa Maria, where already this week 101 emergency nurses asked to be excused”, advance the order.