Silves Library presents the exhibition “Mente Sã em Corpo São” during February

Readers will have at their disposal several works that appeal to a healthy lifestyle

Silves is promoting, during the month of February, a thematic exhibition, called “Mente Sã em Corpo São”, at the Municipal Library.

During the month, readers will have at their disposal, in the António Lobo Antunes room, «several suggestions for works that appeal to a healthy lifestyle through the practice of physical activity and a careful diet», in the context of promoting the book and of the reading that the municipality intends to do.

The municipality highlights works such as “Move… for your health”, by Dr. JL Themudo Barata, “Pilates”, by Patricia Lamo, “Yoga”, by Noa Belling, “Yoga Feliz”, by Tara Fraser, “Stretches: for stress relief” by Mark Evans or “My plan for good” and “I know how to be happy”, by Isabel Silva.

For more information you can consult the website the autarchy.


