Book “Hospital da Bicharada” will help RIAS' work

Work is by Berta Rodrigues

The book “Hospital da Bicharada”, by Berta Rodrigues, is presented this Thursday, December 16, from 15:00, at the Álvaro de Campos Municipal Library (Tavira), and the proceeds will be used to help the work of the RIAS – Wildlife Recovery and Research Center.

This is a bilingual children's publication, in Portuguese and English, about the story of a short-toed eagle and the other patients at the RIAS hospital, located in Quinta de Marim (Olhão).

The book launch will feature the presence of the author Berta Rodrigues, the illustrator Rosa Rufino and the coordinator of RIAS Fábia Azevedo. A 5th grade class from the EB2/3 D. Manuel I school in Tavira will also be present.


