Theater of the Figures has a Shakespeare Parliament and an opera for the youngest

throughout this week

A Shakespeare Parliament and the preview of an opera piece are the suggestions of Teatro das Figuras for children and youth, on November 10th and 14th, respectively.

On Wednesday, the 10th, a parliament takes to the stage, but with special features, a show by the Bestiário company "where a parliament, in convulsion, is discussing with intensity whether an innocent lie also hurts".

This initiative is included in the Backpack – Theater Festival for Children and Youth.

On the 14th, it will be the turn of the show Serena Serenata, co-produced by Ópera Isto and Casa da Música, to be presented as part of the cycle “Quem tem Faro for the Opera”.

This play, aimed at children over 3 years old, has as protagonists Mário João Alves, as Mario, Miguel Reis, as Michelle, Gabriel Neves dos Santos, as Gabriele, and João Tiago Magalhães, as Giovanni.



