Online training on sustainable consumption and production has open enrollment

Registration is free

Those interested in participating in the online training on Sustainable Development Goal 12 – Sustainable Consumption and Production can still register for free, after the deadline for registration has been extended «to ensure the participation of Portuguese entities», announced the association In Loco , .

Those interested in participating must express their interest by sending a message to [email protected] by the end of the week.

The online training lasts 30 hours and is aimed at local decision-makers and technicians and civil society organizations. The work takes place through the training platform Moodle and ZOOM.

Participants will have "a part of study and autonomous work, based on reading materials prepared ad hoc, participating in forums and viewing audiovisual resources (12 hours)", as well as "monitoring individual and group work for practical development of a microproject, depending on the selected option (18 hours)».

«The participant will not have to pay any amount, as this is a project that is co-financed by the EP Interreg V Spain Portugal (POCTEP) program and partnership (which In Loco integrates) according to the resolution of the Second Call of POCTEP 2014- 2020”, concludes the Algarve association.




