Government reaffirms flexibility of measures in the next phase of deconfinement

“We are in a transition phase. We have a lot of hope in this near future»

The Deputy Secretary of State and Health António Lacerda Sales reaffirmed this Friday, 17 September, the flexibility of measures to prevent and combat covid-19 in the next phase of the deconfinement plan.

Without revealing whether there will be anticipation of the third phase of the plan, António Lacerda Sales stated that the country is in a transitional phase, in which the State will continue to prevent covid-19, but individual and collective responsibility will also continue to be fundamental.

“We are in a transition phase. We have a lot of hope in this near future, because as was seen yesterday [Thursday] with Infarmed there is, in fact, a trend towards more flexible measures, but always in a transitional phase, calling for individual and collective responsibility in many aspects considered, such as, for example, maintaining the use of the mask in outdoor agglomerates and in closed spaces», he pointed out.

“We have had a favorable epidemiological evolution, with a rate of transmissibility at this time also favorable, and a vaccination plan that currently exceeds 81,5% of the complete vaccination schedule and 85% of first doses. It is natural that there is a relaxation of measures in the next Council of Ministers, but that there is continually this appeal to individual and collective conscience," he reinforced.

The Secretary of State spoke to Lusa after participating in the closing of the conference “Patient safety in Portugal”, organized by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Lisbon, within the scope of the World Day for Health Safety. Sick.

At the event, which the general director of health Graça Freitas also attended, the new National Plan for Patient Safety 2021-2026 was presented, whose main strategic objectives are: to create a safer and more quality health system, lead to provision of care to new contexts – remote and home; and, also, bring caregivers, families and society in general to action through awareness-raising actions for the culture of safety.

António Lacerda Sales underlined that the order approving the National Plan for Patient Safety 2021-2026 was signed today and will soon be published in Diário da República.

