Registration has already opened for the 150 activities of the Bird Watching Festival

The event is once again organized by the Vila do Bispo Chamber, in partnership with the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) and the Almargem Association

Photos: Elisabete Rodrigues | Sul Informação

Registration for the activities of the 12th Festival of Bird Watching & Nature Activities, in Sagres (Vila do Bispo), which takes place from the 1st to the 5th of October, are already open.

The program, which includes over 150 activities, is online here and the organization recommends that you sign up as soon as possible because every year there are activities that sell out right after launch.

«After choosing and registering online, in free and paid activities, with attractive prices, participants only have to head to Sagres, collect their bracelet and enjoy all that this festival has to offer», says the organization.


Black Stork – Photo: André Pinheiro

This year, the "star" bird on the poster is the black stork (ciconia nigra), a regular presence in the skies of Sagres, which festival participants can observe with relative ease at the time of migration.

More elusive than the white stork, the black stork is usually seen alone or in pairs (in the breeding season), but between August and October, when it migrates to Africa, it can join flocks that reach 100. at this time it is easier to observe, and in our country the area of ​​Sagres is a privileged place to do so, precisely at the time of the Festival.

It is then that black storks from central Europe congregate here, looking for passage to Africa. As they depend on thermal currents to glide, and these warm air currents only form on land, these birds try to cross the Mediterranean by the shortest route, in Gibraltar.

The event is once again organized by the Vila do Bispo Chamber, in partnership with the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) and the Almargem Association.

To learn more, follow the Festival at, on your facebook page e on Instagram.


Sheds in the sea in front of Cabo de São Vicente – Photo: Vila do Bispo Municipal Council


