Alexandra Rosa is the PAN candidate for the Parish Council of Olhão

According to the PAN, "this is an environmentalist and progressive candidacy"

Alexandra Rosa is the PAN candidate for the Parish Council of Olhão in the next Municipal Elections of 26 September. 

The activist and volunteer for the animal cause, join this list, Alexandre Pereira, environmental engineer, and Frederico Mazoni, environmental activist.

According to PAN, "this is an environmentalist and progressive candidacy, which aims to fight for social and human rights, for the preservation of the environment and for animal welfare, signaling a change in the parish."

«The PAN is committed to being an active and present voice in the parish of Olhão and transforming it into a national reference in terms of sustainability and good environmental practices, animal protection and proximity support to the entire population, thus ending mistakes and bad decisions made by previous executives», says Alexandra Rosa.

Alexandre Pereira presents the main proposals for Olhão in the scope of animal welfare: «we want to sensitize the population, especially young people, to issues related to animal protection and welfare. It is urgent to create a pool of caregivers, duly supported by the Parish Council, provide shelter and decent feeding places and, with the support of the Municipality, create an urban cattery to provide medical and veterinary care to these animals».

The candidate adds: «we have to stop thinking of animals as stuff. It is necessary to streamline procedures and implement these measures in the first year».

In the environmental cause, Frederico Mazoni refers to the need to «stimulate the connection between people and nature, with awareness-raising actions in the parish's schools, creation of a network of community gardens and orchards, where the population can cultivate and harvest healthy food, socialize and sharing knowledge, and the implementation of biological gardens in schools, with direct support from the Parish».

For PAN, it is essential to create an urban-rural exchange in Olhão.

It is also a banner of this party to promote nature tourism, in symbiosis with other parishes, and carry out awareness-raising actions for the preservation of marine ecosystems.

In the social sphere, the PAN wants to support those who need it most, through community intervention projects, improvement of home support services, dynamization of social centers, provision of free transport for the elderly and companions for medical care and the creation of the ' neighborhood mediator'.

For transparency, the PAN intends that the Parish Assembly sessions be transmitted online and live, in order to bring the population closer to the decisions taken by the executive.

«With a PAN Parish Council, everyone will have a voice: we will defend our causes with all rigor, determination and courage, as we represent People, Animals and Nature», concludes Alexandra Rosa.



